soooo, i know people have mixed views about the point of community knitting projects like Coat For a Boat & the Gingerbread house. i.e "What's the point?".
personally whilst its not something i would do all the time i enjoy these projects as a bit of a diversion, a chance to meet more like minded people (and I admit, for my 5 minutes of fame!)
when i saw the post on the Ravelry North East Yarn fiends group from the Science Festival organiser i knew i wanted to be involved.
we have chosen 2 (in hindsight a bit big) trees outside the Discovery Museum, Newcastle to "yarn bomb" - so far we have knit.....
18 1m x 30cm lengths to cover the trunk
10 pieces of fruit for the branches
5m of finger knitting for the branches
10 pom poms for the branches
1 newcastle science fest sign 1m x 70cm (nearly finished!!!)
much child labour has been involved and help from non crafty friends to outsource more pom poms
(don't worry, i won't be hanging the cat in the tree. he's enormous - would probably break a branch!)
there has been a huge amount of effort and i can't wait to put our knitting in place on Sunday evening. more pictures will be posted but here are a few......